How to Enjoy Vacation with Family | Take the Stress Away Guide

How to Take the Stress out of a Family Vacation
Travelling with family can be tricky, and sometimes very stressful! I have been travelling with my family since I was a young child. There were some negatives, and there were also some very fond memories. Looking back in this way, I made an effort to change the things I didn’t like, and keep the things I did.
I have always wanted my son to experience the best of his parents when we took time away from home. Of course it’s not always possible, as emotions can run high, and people do get tired.
That’s why I decided to compile this list of the very best ideas to make family travel as stress-free as possible. I hope you find it helpful!
Goals to Travel Stress Free
- Plan Ahead, but Stay Flexible
- Communicate Expectations
- Pack Light and Smart
- Schedule Downtime
- Set Realistic Goals
- Embrace Technology… in Moderation
- Delegate Responsibilities
- Practice Patience and Flexibility
- Celebrate Each Other’s Differences
- Create Meaningful Memories

Planning Ahead for Vacation with Family
Plan your itinerary and accommodations in advance to avoid last-minute stress, but also be open to spontaneous adventures and changes in plans, because sometimes stuff happens!
I am a big pre-planner on holiday, it’s part of the reason I started this blog! I even walk the street around our accommodation on Google street view (I might be a little mad). I like to know what time things are open until, where the nearest grocery store is, train station, doctor, etc.
I do love to take my phone on holidays in case of emergencies such as not being able to access the keys for our Airbnb and needing to reach the host, or missing a flight. I download an E-SIM so that I can access everything I need while out of my home country.

Communicate Expectations Ahead of Time
Have a family meeting before the trip to discuss everyone’s expectations and desires for the vacation. This helps ensure everyone feels heard and can contribute to the planning process.
I also took some advice from my pediatrician when I started travelling with my son as an infant, and told him well in advance what our plans were for our overseas trip. You can read more about that post here Beating Jet Lag for Kids and Families.

Don’t Over-Pack for Vacation with Family
Avoid over-packing by making a list of essentials and sticking to it. Choose versatile clothing and pack items that serve multiple purposes to minimize luggage and streamline travel.

I like to start making a list a couple weeks in advance, and write it down on my phone as I think of things. I always like to pack basic first aid, and have some pain relief on hand just in case. I have shared a screen shot of my travel list more times than I can count with friends!
Download my Travel Checklist – Perfect for Kids and Families.
Schedule Downtime to Enjoy Vacation with Family
Prioritize Family Time
Be realistic about what you can accomplish during your vacation. Don’t try to cram too many activities into a single day, and prioritize quality time with family over checking off a bucket list.
This is especially important during the first few days when everyone is adjusting to the new location or time-zone, sleeping arrangements, and travel. Everyone deals with stress differently, including kids, and they deserve some grace too.

Limiting Technology
While it’s tempting to stay connected to work and social media, try to limit screen time during your vacation.
Use technology to capture memories but prioritize being present with your family. These days, the ‘work grind’ is real, or at least it is where I live in Alberta.

Take some time during your vacation to reconnect with family members and show them how much they mean to you.
Be a Team – Delegate Responsibilities
Share the workload among family members when it comes to planning, packing, and decision-making. This fosters a sense of teamwork and prevents one person from feeling overwhelmed.
You can involve family members in day to day activities when you reach your destination as well. If you’re staying at a self-catering house or apartment, have everyone pitch in with food preparation or washing dishes.

It feels great to keep things neat and tidy when travelling with others, and that means keeping your space whether it be a suitcase, or dresser drawer organized.
Roll with the Punches – Set Realistic Goals
Expect the unexpected and be prepared to roll with the punches. Whether it’s a flight delay, a rainy day, or a change in plans, approach challenges with a positive attitude and a willingness to adapt.
I promise if you get huffy or stressed over flight delays, it’s not just you that feels it. Negative attitudes have a ripple effect. Set an example for your children and show them how you deal with stress in a grown up way.
Be Open – Celebrate Each Other’s Differences
Remember that everyone has different interests and preferences. Be open to trying new things and be respectful of each other’s boundaries and comfort zones. Some people love museums, and some people are thrill seekers! If you can find compromises throughout your holiday, I promise you it will be smooth sailing for everyone!

Take the photo – Create Meaningful Memories
Focus on creating lasting memories and shared experiences with your family. Take plenty of photos, including those of mom (sometimes we get forgotten!)
Don’t be the parent who doesn’t want to be in the photo, these are memories you’re making with your family. The photo really isn’t for you anyway, it will be a way for your children and grandchildren to remember you in the future.

By following these tips, you can enjoy a stress-free vacation filled with laughter, love, and unforgettable moments with your family.
Life here on earth is short, and nobody’s going to remember that fancy car you drove. What they will remember is how you made them feel, so make your family members feel great! You only have the one. Happy Memories and Bon voyage!
xoxo Tanya