1. Hiiii great tips thanks for sharing =) I can also recommend ” ATM Fee Saver” – the travel app helps you find ATMs nearby with no or low fees and shows withdrawal limits. It also locates Forex and Exchange Spots. I use it all the time when I travel ? Check it out..

  2. So many great travel apps out there! I’ve heard of Rome2Rio but never tried it. Will have to look into it for my next trip!

  3. Your Travel app library looks just like mine. So I heartily agree that these apps are very important to travel. Eatwise was a new one for me. Love the table of all the app options.

  4. Excellent list with so many useful apps. I’ve been using some of them but there are a few I still need to look into. It’s amazing how travel has changed so much in the recent years, and we can easily get lots of information on the go.

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